sketch of Dode

February 24, 2009

In a fit of boredom a few days ago, I again whipped out my colored pencils and sketchbook and this is the result.  I’m presently working on a different painting of her in Painter X, but I couldn’t resist the urge to finally have a tangible picture of her.



February 21, 2009


This is a sketch I made of Raya five years in the future.  I’m not exactly sure of the context surrounding her life at that time, but it seems that something has happened to make her sad or worried or both.


click below to see a larger version of the image

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A while back, my friend from back home told me about, essentially a digital pose palace.  You can set it up to cycle through poses at 10, 15, 20, 45, 60, or 90 second intervals, or you can just cycle through them at your own pace.  There’s several hundred poses, if not a few thousand, so it’s a good fat lot, and best of all it’s free.  I hadn’t really messed with it all til yesterday, and now I’m hooked like a junky.  See some more poses by clicking the link below.

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sketchbook doodles

February 16, 2009



“Hairy Potter”

February 14, 2009

I drew this caricature of my friend Ben during chapel a few days ago.  I couldn’t resist the temptation to digitize it and color it.


Matthew 6:19-21

February 14, 2009

I did this for my sister’s church; just a quick doodly, scanned and colored in photo to the shop.






February 9, 2009



There are days when my own sadness makes me exceedingly aware that there is suffering in this world.  The pain that death and loss cause others in some way becomes my own; I feel their hurt, though perhaps I do not understand it, and my shoulders begin to take on the burden that they bear.  In that moment, nothing is more real than that sorrow; there is no condolence to override it, there is no magic blue pill to make it all disappear.  Rather, there is something far grander:  there is some connection, there is some love that binds me to the rest of this broken humanity, and out of these ashes spring the roots of compassion, not just sympathetic feelings, but true compassion in the biblical sense.  In these moments sadness can be overwhelming; happiness can seem far, far away; but the beauty of the moment, the brief understanding of humanity’s shattered state and the love that rises out of that far outweigh a temporary loss of the ability to smile.

Dode rough sketch

February 6, 2009

this is a rough sketch of Dode, the third faerie, the one to complete triangle.


Heroes Children Church

February 6, 2009

I’m working on a logo for a church in North Carolina’s children’s program called “Heroes.”  Here’s a few quick sketches I did.
